Thursday, 18 April 2013

Table no. 21: Movie Summary

Movie - Table no. 21.

Cast - Rajeev Khandelwal as Vivaan, Noideawhosheis as Sia, Paresh Rawal as Mr. Khan.

Summary - The movie starts with Vivaan and Sia in a flight going to Fiji. Both have luckily won a free tour package but couldn't have afforded the real tour. So the poor couple decide to make the most of it. They receive a grand welcome by the hotel manager Mr. Khan. Both have the time of their life in Fiji for the next 6 days. On the last day Mr. Khan offers them to play a game called table 21 through which they can win 10 million Fiji dollars i.e. 21 crore rupees. Mr. Khan explains the rules. 8 questions, 8 correct answers, 8 tasks. Lie detectors, cameras will be used to check the integrity of all answers. Cannot leave the game half way. Sia being a typical money crazy girl agrees immediately while Vivaan takes some time but agrees eventually. They are made to sign a contract and the game begins.
Question 1 - To Vivaan. Are you ashamed of kissing Sia in public? He answers yes and the lie detector signals green indicating he's telling the truth. Now their task is to kiss each other on the busiest street in Fiji. Sia is comfortable doing and convinces Vivaan. They do it and win a crore. They are thinking that this was a real easy way to win such a big amount! To convince them Mr. Khan shows the real money stacks.
Question 2 - To Sia. Does your husband know you completely? She answers no and it’s correct. Vivaan looks a bit sad. The task for her is to eat non veg. Vivaan says that she won't do it just for money but while he says it she has already started munching on the food thus proving that he doesn't actually know her.
 Question 3 - To Vivaan. Have you ever manipulated anyone? He says yes followed by a flashback showing how he steals Sia by manipulating her ex bf. The task is to manipulate Khan which he does easily with words.
 Question 4 - To Vivaan. Will you do anything to save your love? He answers yes correctly followed by a task in which he has to save her by giving few ml of his blood (Tasks are getting serious and creepy).

Question 5 - To Sia. Will Vivaan love you even if you give away your hair? She says yes. The task is to cut off her own hair. They try to quit and run away but soon learn that the lie detectors are actually explosives. They realise that this is not just a game but some trap from which they cannot escape. He has to cut her hair. She is now bald. 

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